Quick Links: The Merry Christmas | Exhanging Gifts | Santa Claus | Saturnalia | Christmas Tree |
As we know, Satan the adversary deceives this whole world (Revelation 12:9) with so many things that lure the world away from anything that is of God. If God is the Creator, Satan also made sure that he creates his own things and he also made sure that these things are direct mockery and contrary to the will of God. One of his major traditions that he introduced to the human race are these holidays that are nothing but of pagan origin. He inspired the pagans to introduce these rituals to the so called Christian world by putting labels of christianity into them but if you read the Scriptures, you can easily detect that these holidays and their rituals are nothing biblical. One of the major holidays that the world is bowing down to is the season of Christmas.
This holiday has entered into all the institutions on earth including the modern day christianity. Little did the profess Christian world know that this holiday is nothing but about death, demons and lawlessness. Their pastors are busy preaching to them that December 25 is the birthday of Jesus. In this page, we will show you how demonic and unbiblical the rituals involved in this holiday.
The first question would be, was Jesus really born on December 25? If you take a look at the Bible, there is no record of a particular day when Jesus Christ was born. If you go to the internet, there are so many sources of many things that declare who was born on December 25 and nothing is mentioned about Jesus being born that day because there is no Scriptural support would warrant this statement.
One of the records testifies that another man and not Jesus was born in this day of December 25. We have heard of Nimrod the great leader of Babylon. Genesis 10:9. He became a great warrior and tyrant (mighty - H1368 gibbor) in those days to where he became a great leader even to the land of Assyria. Micah 5:5-6. In the Summerian language, he married Semiramis who was a famous queen in the Assyrian Empire where Nimrod reigned. When Nimrod died, his spirit supposedly went to the sun. His wife ordered that they should pay homage to Nimrod by worshipping the sun. Later, she bore a child who was born on December 25 which she claimed to be the reincarnation of Nimrod.
Later down the years, Constantine who was pagan was supposedly converted to christianity into the Roman Catholic church brought this pagan celebration of the birthday of Tammuz into the roman church. Then the rest of the world followed and practiced the same celebration. But there is more to this than Constantine bringing this pagan tradition into the so called christian world. There is a record of a winter solstice of the pagans where they celebrated a season of festivities around December down to January which will be mentioned in the few sections below.
How do we know that Jesus was not born on December 25? The answer is easy. Go to the Scripture for answers.
Semiramis and Tammuz her son
Luke 2:8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. - By this, we know that Jesus was not born in December. Why? Because in those region, December is a winter season and there is no way that shepherd will abide in the field especially at night with their flock. In the winter season, the flock is kept safe from the cold into their proper barn. By seeing that the shepherd were found outside by night, we can easily conclude that Jesus was not born in December but another time of the year where it is proper and safe for the flock to stay outside the field by night.
Where did the word christmas come from? How about the greeting "merry christmas?
The word christmas comes from two words, Christ and mass. Christ in this context refers to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Mark 1:1. The term mass has a meaning which does not coincide with day of birth. According to the Catholic encyclopedia, page 537 "In the Christian law, the supreme sacrifice is that of the Mass. The supreme act of worship consists essentially in an offering of a worthy victim to God, the offering made by a proper person, as a priest, the destruction of the victim."
Christmas - "Christ" - Jesus Christ the Son of God + "mass" - destruction of the victim
By these we know that christmas means the destruction of the victim which is "Christ Jesus the Son of God." So, the world thinks its a birthday but in reality the celebration is about death by destroying Christ the victim. It goes deeper into mockery when the greetings of "merry christmas" are echoed throughout the world. The term merry is defined as "jolly, gaiety, mirthful, delightful, festive". Then, the greeting means you are delighted or happy at the destruction of the victim which is Jesus Christ.
merry - "jolly, gaiety, mirthful, delightful, festive"
Christmas - "Christ" - Jesus Christ the Son of God + "mass" - destruction of the victim
The whole world is deceived to believe that this December 25 is the date of birth of Jesus yet it is the birth of the pagan Tammuz. They greet each other with a mockery against the Son of God.
What is really behind this pagan celebration? Let us dig deeper into the pagan rituals associated with this celebration. Let us enumerate as many as we can and show you their pagan origins.

Ancient Romans celebrated a feast for the sun god named Ra. They would exhange simple gifts and tokens like twigs or branches from sacred trees. Some gifts were in the form of agricultural produce like rootcrops, vegetables and wheat products to honor the goodess of fertitility named Strenia. As time went by, the simple gifts became more elaborate items that symbolized good wishes for the next year to come. It even became fashionable to give gifts of gold, silver and treats with honey. This is how we see the gift giving or the exchanging of gifts evolved down to our time where even little kids in the school has to bring a gift for their classmate in which these gifts has a specific price or amount or value. This is common in the schools in asian countries. From simple gifts for the sake of good luck and bountiful harvest for the coming year down to expensive christmas gifts, we can see now how people spend lots of money just to give gifts and in so doing receive gifts as well. Thus, exchanging gifts for good luck and prosperity for the coming year.
We can see here how God's true principle of giving because it's the right thing to do to help others in need is perverted to you give so that you will receive.
It is also recorded that the early church leaders tried to outlaw the pagan custom of exchanging gifts but the people loved it so much they cannot give it up. This is why you can still see this being practiced today. People prepare their gifts for their loved ones and friends and waited for a particular day to give it to them. It looks like they are willing to give when December 25 comes but the other times of the year, the gifts can not be found. Yet we can see how God gives His gifts to us every moment every day.
Because of the refusal of the people to give up this ritual of gift giving, the early church leaders tried to find a justification for this cherished practice. They then pointed to the 3 wise men who gave gifts to baby Jesus. Instead of exchanging gifts on January 6, the practice was transferred to December 25. They also justified the practice by pointing out to God's gifts to humans and how He promised redemption. We can see how Satan tried so hard to find a reason in order to justify pagan rituals and make it acceptable for all.
Aside from the feast for the sun god Ra, pagan Romans also celebrated the holiday called Saturnalia in honour to Saturn which is their god of agriculture. Pagan Romans would spend the week of Saturnalia the same way christmas is celebrated by the modern world today. They feast, drink, give gifts and be so joyous and happy during this season. Infact, this holiday is the most popular to the Roman calendar. This holidy is derived from older farming-related rituals of midwinter and the winter solstice. This season is their best time to offering gifts or sacrifices to their gods.
At first, Saturnalia was celebrated as a single day but later on it expanded to a weeklong festival from December 17 and the winter solstice was on December 25. Let us compare Saturnalia to the christmas celebration today.
Saturnalia Celebration | Christmas Celebration |
work, schools, courts and businesses came to a halt | December 25 is a holiday and these offices are also closed |
people decorated their homes with wreaths an dother greenery | people today decorate the homes as well |
Since there is no work, the pagan romans spent celebrating Saturnalia gambling, singing, playing, music, feasting, socializing, exchanging gifts | we can also see the same thing being done today |
Saturnalia was the jolliest Roman holiday and their best times of the eyar | we can also see how christmas is the jolliest in our modern day today |
Saturnalia celebration was riotous | you can hear noise everywhere not to mention the fireworks |